Diabetic Alert Dogs

We currently have a litter of Labradoodles, some of which would make awesome Diabetic Alert Dogs....

Here is our policy for Diabetic Alert Dogs, if you purchase it from us as a puppy:

(Please note: this page will change and be updated as we add new requirements/training/etc)

1)  Puppy is kept with trainer until 16 weeks of age, so as to work on basic puppy obedience/house training a bit more....
2)  New owners are to meet with trainer for a 1 day seminar prior to taking the puppy home---This seminar can be done via Skype, or facetime.
3)  New owners are required to sign a binding, non-refundable contract for the purchase and training of the dog/
4)  New owner responsibilities"
     A)  Approved group puppy classes---these classes must be approved by trainer.  No box store pet classes are acceptable. Upon successful completion of class, owner is required to return Certificate of Traninig to us.
     B)  Basic Dog Training Group Classes---again, must be approved by trainers here.  No box store pet classes are acceptable. Upon successful completion of class, owner is required to return Certificate of Traninig to us.
    C)  Intermediate Group Dog Training Classes: Must be approved by trainers here.  No box store pet classes are acceptable. Upon successful completion of class, owner is required to return Certificate of Traninig to us.
    D)  Advanced Dog Training Classes:  Must be approved by trainers here.  No box store pet classes are acceptable. Upon successful completion of class, owner is required to return Certificate of Traninig to us.

All owners are required to complete,with pup/dog 10 hours of public access per week.  These must be documented in assigned log book, along with business cards of places visited, etc....
All owners are required to practice and fill out practice logs provided by us daily.

The above two items are to be faxed, emailed, or snail mailed to use bi-weekly.

At 9 months of age, new owners are required to take said dog into the veterinarin for Hip/Elbow exrays, blood tests(thyroid/heartworm) and cardiac testing.  Failure to do so, will forfiet any agreements and moneys paid to trainer.

All the above are required to prior to returning the dog to use for diabetic alert training. 

At 15-20 months of age, the dog is returned to the trainer to begin diabetic alert dog training.  This training is similar to drug/bomb detection dog training and requires any where from 3 months to 6 months to complete.  If the dog has not satisfactorally completed prior obedience classes, then it will take longer and will cost more.

Owners are responsible for all expenses incurred during team training, including but not limited too:
Housing, meals, flights, etc....
If the owners need the trainer to come to them, they are responsible for the trainers' expenses.

Cost of training/Dog:

Required up front:

Amount due upon drop off for advanced detection training: 

Amount due on the 1st day of team training:

Owner is responsible for the following:
*Shipping/Transport of pup to/from facility
*Food/Medical/Etc during the entire training process
* Cost of all group classes---If you are local to us, you are welcome to come to our group classes, held at hour facility, free of charge for the life of the dog.
*Cost of all training equipment

****We do require that YOU NOT SPAY or NEUTER YOUR DOG(if purchased from us) PRIOR TO THE AGE OF 3 yrs!  There are too many studies that show neutering/spaying(AKA 'speutering") is not healthy for your dogs!  Hey, would you spay/neuter your children?  Ok, then...

Please remember, that while you are doing some of the training, it is a lifetime commitment on our part.  There are some "organizations" out there that are charging 20,000+ for a dog with NO TRAINING, NO FOLLOWUP, and NO ASSISTANCES(do your research)