Types of Dogs We Use As Service Dogs
As a rule, we only use Labs, Goldens or Standard Poodles. Altho, sometimes an exception dog comes along, that is none of those breeds, we do not actively seek out other breeds...Why?
It is simply too hard to find a good dog in other breeds...
There is a reason why guide dog schools and reputable service dog organzations no longer use German Shepherds and other "naturally prick earred dogs" as service dogs....It is simply too hard to find one that is medically/mentally stable, and the other issue is, that if they do pass the training, they usually become too over--protective of their handlers after about year into the placement, causing issues....
That being said, I currently have a GSD who WILL NOT PROTECT(IE, BITE)....so, he would make an excellent service dog----he is mentally sound, and physically healthy----but, he is the exception to the rule, rather than the norm....
Because of breed ban laws, and misunderstanding by the public, we do not use or encourage the use of bully breeds/pit bulls either....Not that they are not capable, they are....but, if you go to Aura Colorado or Miami Florida---Be ready to have your 15000.00 dog "stolen" by animal contral, and probably euthanized before you can stop it! Why? Because Pitties are banned in both of those places...Life being disabled is full of enough trauma and drama, why add more to it?